Ever Wondered How Ninjas Would Biohack?

I uploaded a new video.



It is the emperor’s birthday today in Japan and it is a public holiday. I am taking a break from Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting, which I began the 5th quarter last week.  In other words, it is the second year in my intermittent fasting.

I am reading a book about Shugendo that was recommended by a friend. It is interesting because it says that Shugendo is the authentic Japanese spiritual practice, not Shintoism or Buddhism, which are considered to be the two major religions in Japan.

I’ ll share more about the book once I finish reading it, but it doesn’t seem just a coincidence that I was drawn to Shugendo as I was developing Ikigai Bio-Hacking. It seems to carry the secret wisdom that the world needs more than ever, and this secret has been hidden even within Japan.

Ninjas were very much influenced by Shugendo.



Ikigai Bio-Hacking: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health

POD Paperback
