Should We Follow the Nutritional Guideline of Daily Protein Intake?

I have just finished reading The Switch: Ignite Your Metabolism with Intermittent Fasting, Protein Cycling, and Keto by James W. Clement.

It is about autophagy that I mentioned yesterday. Recently autophagy is catching the attention of many in Japan and there are many books written about it. The one I mentioned yesterday, Life Science Nagaikisezaruwoenaijidai no Seimeikagakukogi byDr. Tamotsu Yoshimori is one of them, and The Switch is another one.

I have read about 5 or 6 books on this topic and now have a clear understanding of autophagy, not so much about the mechanism of it, but how to activate it to help us stop aging.

One thing The Switch made clear to me was how much protein we should absorb each day.

This was something I was not sure till I read this book. The general nutritional guideline says that we should have 0.8 g of protein for 1 kg of body weight, so since I weigh 60 kg, I should have 48 g of protein each day. And yet it is quite difficult to reach that amount just from the plant source.

What to Eat When You Practice Intermittent Fasting

Getting Sufficient Daily Protein Intake From a Vegan Diet

James Clement says that we should restrict the protein intake if we are to activate autophagy, especially animal protein. That was what David Sinclair was saying, too, but how much protein should we take, then?

According to one meal plan that James Clement recommends at the end of his book, we can have three days a week that we restrict our protein intake to 25 g, but the rest of the week, we can have the regular recommended amount, which in my case would be 48 g. He gives an example of having up to 25 g on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and having 48 g, in my case, on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

This makes it easier to apply my plant-based diet during the week. I can just have Natto and nuts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and on Tuesday and Thursday, I can have small fish such as sardine to add my protein intake, plus Omega 3 fatty acid. Then, on the weekend, I can add chicken and eggs.

Next week, I will try this meal plan and see what happens.

By the way, James Clement says coffee also activates autophagy. It looks like green tea isn’t the only one. In that case, you don’t need to worry about choosing green tea over coffee. Whichever you like, you can drink and enjoy your life.


The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

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