Do you want to learn the Japanese secret to staying young and healthy into old age? If so, these books are for you. They hold the most recent information on traditional Japanese dietary and health culture.

Sachiaki Takamiya
The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

Bio-hacking based on Japanese Natural Health

The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity
This book won the outstanding performance award of the Next Publishing POD Award 2022 in March 2022.
It focuses on your diet. What you can eat, what food to avoid, how to prepare meals, how to eat(how many times to chew, how much food to eat each time and so on) to optimize your gut health, as well as how to make your diet fun so that you can continue it for a long time. The book contains everything you need to know about the cutting edge healthy dietary culture.
ln this book, you will discover:
•The secret of Japanese centenarians in Nagano, Shiga, and Okinawa.
•The lifestyle of Shizenha people, young naturalists who are true inheritors of centenarians.
•Cutting-edge Japanese dietary buzzwords such as Ma Go Wa Ya Sa Shi I, Ichibutsu Zentaishoku, and Shindofuji.
•Not only the traditional approaches but also scientific research conducted by modern Japanese doctors and scientists.
•How to improve your wellbeing dramatically while you enjoy eating. It isn’t an elimination diet.
•How to plan your breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the Ikigai diet using your local ingredients.
•The true meaning of Ikigai and how it can help you lead a healthy, happy, and meaningful life.
Ikigai Bio-Hacking: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health
The Ikigai Diet covers other areas of wellness such as exercises and mentality, too, but Ikigai Bio-Hacking covers a lot more depth in over all lifestyle toward health and longevity. It goes further in detail on intermittent fasting, for example, but not so much on diet. Therefore, to get full benefits, you want to read both books.
Are you interested in bio-hacking to live longer or optimize your performance but are not sure about its possible side effects? If you are over 50, you don’t want to experiment on yourself, do you?
Then, you may want to consider an approach based on a thousand-year-old Japanese natural health, and lifestyles of actual centenarians in Japanese blue zones.
Japanese natural health is the foundation of many martial arts, healing arts, and Shugendo, a spiritual practice Ninjas adopted into their techniques.
Unlike regular bio-hacking, Ikigai Bio-Hacking focuses on natural methods. It doesn’t encourage you to implant a microchip into your body or conduct genetic engineering. It is 100% natural and organic. It is also reasonable because you don’t need to invest in equipment or supplements.
In this book, you will discover:
•When, how long, and how often to fast to gain the maximum effect while making it easy, doable, and fun by applying a Japanese concept Hare and Ke.
•When, how much, how often, and what exercises to do to gain the optimal result for your physical wellbeing, mental clarity, and spiritual development.
•The lifestyles of Japanese centenarians and Shizenha people, naturalists who are true inheritors of centenarians.
•The secret Japanese spiritual methods to help you stay mentally blissful and spiritually awake.
•Sustainable ways to bio-hack so you can live longer and perform better while saving the planet.