The Golden Week is Over and I Began Something New during the GW

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The Golden Week is over now.

We didn’t go anywhere. We once thought of going to Kyoto or Osaka, but we had been told it was very crowded so we decided not to.

We just went to a hot spring facility at the lakeside. There were outdoor bathtubs overlooking Lake Biwa.

But I suppose the main event of the Golden Week was the Hino Festival, I have to say.

Also, for me, there was another thing. I began writing a new book.

“What? Already? Didn’t you just finish writing the Shizenha Bio-Hacking book in Japanese?”

Well, this time, it is a book in English.


I really love writing, I suppose. For me, writing is my favorite pastime, and I can write all year round. Yes, writing is my Ikigai.

“So, what are you writing about? Ikigai Bio-Hacking 2?”

No, it isn’t Ikigai Bio-Hacking 2 or Ikigai Diet 2. It is related, though. It is to do with health.

“So, what is it?”

It is a secret.

Anyway, I am back on my regular schedule, and I am ready to cleanse all the food I ate during the holiday. I am doing 40 hours fasting today.

If you haven’t listened to this podcast interview yet, please listen to it.

57 – Ikigai Bio-Hacking with Sachiaki Takamiya


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