Shrine Visiting and Autumn Equinox

It was autumn equinox today, and my son and I went Satoyama cycling to our town’s main shrine. I didn’t know what to do for the equinox, I could have climbed a mountain again or visited a power spot, but we climbed a power spot mountain on the full moon day already, plus a popular power spot would be crowded and we were still in the state of emergency. Staying in Hino was the best option if we wanted to avoid the crowd.

I knew it was good to receive a lot of sunlight today since the equinox sun represented the balance between Yin and Yang, and visiting a shrine on an equinox day was considered to double your luck.

In that case, we could go Satoyama cycling under the sun and visit a shrine, I thought. Mind you, I had already gone Nordic walking under the morning sun, but my son hadn’t.

It turned out to be a wonderful idea. There was nobody here.

We had the shrine just to ourselves.

Back of the shrine, there was Uramairi section and it was supposed to be closer to gods.

It says Shinon Kansha here. Appreciating gods for favors they have given to us.

  Behind there, there are many tall trees, and it is called Chinju no Mori.

Chinju no Mori means the forest within a shrine where gods reside.

It was so peaceful here. Nice to have a private visit.

Although it is a small town and this shrine isn’t so crowded, I think it was my first time to come here when there was absolutely no one. It was fabulous because I could take time to give my Shinon Kansha prayer. Usually, I have to finish my prayer within 10 seconds since other people are waiting.



The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

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