We Eat Squashes for the Winter Solstice in Japan

I went Nordic walking at sunrise this morning. It was cloudy so I couldn’t see the sunrise but I could feel the energy and it was fabulous to go Nordic walking in the morning. I usually go Nordic walking around noon or early evening, so the feeling is different in the morning.

I did my Kamion Kansha meditation.


Later, in the afternoon, I had a chance to see the sun.


I did sunbathing for a while to receive the energy of the solstice sun.


For dinner, we had squashes since that is our tradition in Japan at the winter solstice.


We had Nimono, too with carrots, daikon, and taros. Both carrots and squashes are superfoods that the people in the long-lived villages Dr. Shoji Kondo discovered ate frequently.


I made natto with squashes and carrots, too. It has ginger, as well, which warms you up and it is good to eat something that warms you up on the winter solstice.

Happy Winter Solstice!


Long-Lived Villages and Short-Lived Villages in Japan

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The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

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