My Longevity Bacteria Video Went Viral

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Apologies for the long hiatus since my last blog post. I’ve been quite busy with my new schedule of uploading three videos a week, and I’m also deep into writing my new book.

I’m thrilled to share some exciting news: my video titled “What Is the Longevity Bacteria Discovered in Japanese Centenarians? (The Kyotango Study Explained)” has gone viral! I uploaded it last Monday night, and within a few days, it amassed over 10K views. Now, a week later, it has reached an incredible 36K views.

This is a new record for my channel, surpassing my previous most popular video, “How to Make Natto from a Wild Plant by Natto King,” which took two years to reach 23K views. To achieve this milestone in just one week is truly remarkable.

As a result, my channel has now grown to over 5,000 subscribers. I am beyond happy and excited. Thank you all so much for watching the video and subscribing to my channel.

The video delves into the Kyotango Longevity Cohort Study. Kyotango, located in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture, is gaining attention as a longevity hotspot, boasting three times as many centenarians as the national average.

In response to this phenomenon, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine began conducting research in 2017, analyzing 2,000 factors from 1,000 people over the age of 65 in the region. This comprehensive study is set to continue until 2032.

In the video, I introduce some of the fascinating discoveries made so far. One particularly interesting finding is the presence of what researchers call “longevity bacteria,” which are abundant in the senior citizens of Kyotango.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch the video here:

What Is the Longevity Bacteria Discovered in Japanese Centenarians? (The Kyotango Study Explained)
