Hikiwari Natto: Super Fermented Food

Hikiwari Natto is crushed natto, and it is popular in Japan. I made it for the first time last week because I was told that Hikiwari Natto was better than regular Natto. By crushing soybeans the areas to be fermented are enlarged and the fermentation increases the nutritional value. Apparently, you’ll be able to absorb 1.6 times more Vitamin K.

If you remember my post a few months ago, Vitamin K was the nutrient that might prevent us from developing a severe COVID-19 condition according to a Dutch researcher.

In that case, we can have Hikiwari Natto.

It is easy to make. You just need to cut soybeans into several pieces after pressure steaming them before putting them into the yogurt maker.

How to Make Natto From Rice Straw Sticks


The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

POD Paperback



