What Time Should You Finish Dinner the Night Before Doing 24 Hours Fasting?

The second week of my third cycle of Hare and Ke intermittent Fasting is over. Again, I did 24 hours fasting on Wednesday. It was hard but doable. The last 2 hours were difficult because I had to wait while my family was having dinner. Because I finished eating at 8 pm the night before, I had to wait past 8 to have dinner. I should have finished dinner earlier on Tuesday.

That means it is important what time you finish dinner the night before if you want to do 24 hours fasting. What time would be good then? If I finish dinner by 7 pm. I can have dinner at 7 pm the next day. If I finish by 6 pm, I can have dinner at 6 pm. Either way is okay, but not 8 pm. That is too late.

I wonder how people manage to leave 24 hours between two dinners if they practice 24 hours fasting every day. Technically, starting time gets later each day, counting the time to eat. I suppose most people do 23 hours fasting or 23 and half hours fasting if they have dinner at the same time every night.

I think doing it once a week is good in this sense because you can adjust your schedule more easily. If I eat late on Wednesday, I can do 16 hours fasting instead of 17 hours fasting on Thursday. I don’t think it would make such a big difference if I do 16 hours fasting just once a week.

Or, you could do 17 hours fasting just on Mondays and Fridays, and eat three meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, if you do 24 hours fasting on Wednesday. This could be a good switch from autophagy and mTOR. It is a little closer to Naomi Whittel’s method, except that you are doing longer fast on Wednesdays.

About switching from autophagy to mTOR, watch this video.


There are many ways to do intermittent fasting.

I’ll stick to this system for three months though.

Mon: 17 hours

Tue: 17 hours

Wed: 24 hours

Thur: 17 hours

Fri: 17 hours

Sat: three meals

Sun: three meals

That means I get to have breakfast tomorrow morning-haha.


The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

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