First Swimming This Summer: Ikigai Bio-Hacking


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Yesterday, my son and I went swimming at Lake Biwa for the first time this summer.


There weren’t many people yet. Most people begin swimming in July, but we wanted to take advantage of the summer season as long as possible.

Lake Swimming is great Ikigai Bio-Hacking because it is also earthing.  You are standing on the sand and walking on it, as well as touching the natural water. When you float on the water, you receive plenty of sunshine. You feel the wind, too. You are immersed in the natural kingdom, absorbing the energy of the earth, water, fire, and air.

It is a whole-body exercise, too, both cardio and strength, and you are using arms and legs.

I would like to come here every week to add it to my workout routine during the summer.

Summer is the perfect time to do sports because it matches the natural rhythm when everything is vibrant. Yet, in recent years, it has been too hot to get out and move. Swimming, however,  is one activity you feel like doing even on a hot day. Mountain hiking, too. So, I’ll go a lot of hiking, lake swimming, and river swimming this summer.




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