Japan’s Average Lifespan Hits Record High Again Even during COVID

According to the news on July 31st,  both Japanese men and women renewed their lifespan record last year even during the coronavirus pandemic.


The average lifespan for women was 87,74 and for men, it was 81,64.  For women, it was the top in the world followed by South Korea, and men came in second, after Switzerland.

The pandemic could have had some effects to decrease the average lifespan but due to the decrease in cancer death and pneumonia death, it actually went up, according to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.

That’s strange. Does it mean fewer people died of cancer and pneumonia last year than the year before, even during the pandemic? I thought people with these conditions are the most venerable to the virus. Oh, I see, they counted those deaths as COVID-related deaths. I have heard of that, and it was true after all.

Anyway, we didn’t have that many COVID-related deaths in Japan compared to other countries, but it looks like the actual COVID deaths are much fewer if we counted some of them as cancer deaths and pneumonia deaths.

Or, we can also interpret that the actual number of death didn’t increase since more people were expected to die of cancer and pneumonia, anyway. They were just replaced with COVID. 

Regardless of the case, it was proved once again that we are still one of the countries with the highest life expectancy. I showed you data of countries with the highest life expectancy in the video below.


The Ikigai Diet: The Secret Japanese Diet to Health and Longevity

POD Paperback




