Shrine Cleaning
In the Japanese countryside, every neighborhood has a shrine and the community members look after it regularly.
In the Japanese countryside, every neighborhood has a shrine and the community members look after it regularly.
It is good to have a bath and sit by the fire after cycling or Nordic walking.
It is good to do Kamion Kansha meditation for October 31st Fullmoon.
Kamion Kansha is a secret way of praying at a Shinto shrine, and it puts us into a positive mindset that helps our health and longevity.
Shizenha and Okinawan centenarians share 8 factors of longevity, and I will share with you one of them today.
How to make stir-fried goya and mackerel, a mashup of Japanese two superfoods.
What is Ichibutsu Zentai Shoku? Why it is better to eat fish occasionally than not eating at all? What kind of fish should we eat?
Did Yamabushis have a similar diet to Ninjas, and what about the Zen Shojin Diet?
How to make Goya Champuru without using pork