What is Ancestral Living? The Hunter Gatherer Lifestyle vs. The Farming Lifestyle
Which is more like ancestral living, the hunter and gatherer lifestyle, or the farming lifestyle?
Which is more like ancestral living, the hunter and gatherer lifestyle, or the farming lifestyle?
In the West, people focus on muscles, and exercises often mean muscle training, but in Japanese natural health, bones, joints, fingers, and toes are as important and we spend a long time adjusting them.
There aren’t conflicts in Japan like the battle between the vegan tribe and the ketogenic tribe taking place in the West.
I managed to do 42 kilometers Satoyama Nordic walking yesterday.
On Saturday, I finally climbed Mt. Omine, the mecca of Shugendo.
By constantly measuring your condition using data based on Western medicine, you become dependent on numbers and data, which might prevent you from developing your inherent senses to feel what’s happening in your body.
On the spring equinox day, I visited the Tenkawa Shrine, the most famous power spot in Japan and the mecca of Shugendo Mt. Omine and Mt. Yoshino.
Biohacking doesn’t seem to be gaining much interest in Japan.
Shugendo has been a rebellious religion in Japan.
I climbed Mt. Hando today, which used to be a mecca of Shugendo and Koga Ninja’s training ground.