Natural Farming by Yoshikazu Kawaguchi
Sustainable agriculture “Natural Farming” Yoshikazu Kawaguchi
Sustainable agriculture “Natural Farming” Yoshikazu Kawaguchi
Here is Hide Enomoto who brought the transition movement to Japan speaking about transition initiatives in Japan.
One great thing about Satoyama cycling is that the scenery changes a lot month by month. Rice has grown a lot more from May and rice fields are much greener now.
I’ll be giving a talk and workshop at Apricot Centre Huxhams Cross Farm in Dartington Devon in July. I’ll be talking about a new lifestyle emerging in Japan called Satoyama living including Kawaguchi style natural farming, Kominka living, a lifestyle of half farming and half something else, transition initiatives in Japan, ecovillages and local networks, an open-air market movement, and a political grassroots movement.
I took part in an off-grid solar system workshop in Hino today.
I took part in a workshop of SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals at a cafe called da-na in Hino today.
Reuniting with an old friend from England. SDGs, ikigai business, Sanpo-Yoshi economy, and the Ikigai Diet.