
My Son’s Summer Holiday is Over

My son’s school began today. He managed to do most of his homework this year, which is the first time for him. He hadn’t done his homework before and we, the parents, didn’t care about it either since we don’t believe in homework that much. For us, having multi-sensory experiences are more crucial. He got all those experiences, too.

The Library Can Help Your Longevity

When you think of wellness, most people think of diets or physical exercises, but I think the mental stimulus is as critical as other elements. It prevents diseases like dementia. Reading books, in general, can broaden your views, and reading magazines can upgrade your information to stay mentally awake.

Seven Longevity Secrets of Nagano, the King of Japanese Blue Zones

There is a book called Chojuken Nagano no Himitsu, The Secrets of Nagano, a Long-lived Prefecture. It was written by Dr. Takuji Shirasawa, a medical professor at Juntendo University Graduate School.

Today, based on this book and my own research and observation, I will share with you seven longevity secrets of Nagano, the king of Japanese Blue Zones.
