I Have Completed One Year of Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting
Last Friday, I finished the fourth quarter of my Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting. That means I have just completed one year of intermittent fasting.
Last Friday, I finished the fourth quarter of my Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting. That means I have just completed one year of intermittent fasting.
I have finished editing the manuscript of Ikigai Bio-Hacking, and now I am having it formatted for both Amazon Kindle and Print on Demand paperback.
I uploaded a video about Totonou, the Japanese Sauna boom.
Maybe the reason why Shugendo flourished in the Kinki Region was because of this landscape. These rocky mountains were suitable for their training grounds.
Yesterday, I sent my manuscript to the copyeditor.
On the winter solstice, I went to Hando Shrine and Mt. Hando, which was one of the meccas of Shugendo and the main training ground of Koga Ninjas.
I told you that I had completed the first draft of my new book Shizenha Bio-Hacking last week, and I decided to change the title to Ikigai Bio-Hacking.
I told you that I was writing a new book and I just completed the first draft of the manuscript.
Shinrinyoku, forest bathing is part of Shizenha Bio-Hacking, and autumn is a great time to do it.
According to Yu Suzuki, the author of Furo Choju Method, Immortality and Longevity Method, the number one secret to extending your lifespan is to have a combination of moderate stress and recovery.