The First Biwako Swimming This Summer

On Saturday, my son and I went to Lake Biwa for swimming. It was the first time this summer. In Shiga Prefecture, we usually swim in lake Biwa and it is just like the sea for us.

How to Eat Seaweed Without Putting It in Miso Soup

We eat a lot of seaweeds in Japan because we put them in miso soup and we have miso soup almost every day. However, in your case, you may not consume miso soup on a regular basis. In that case, how can you have seaweed in your diet?

Japanese Blue Zones’ Diet Has Gotten Over 2000 Views

My video entitled Japanese Blue Zones’ Diet has gotten over 2000 views, which is the biggest among all my English videos. I know it isn’t a lot of views but for me, it is the first time to go over 1000. (I have videos in Japanese that have over 10000 views, but it is a new record in English)

Adjusting Your Posture: Shizenha Bio-Hacking

If you want to naturally bio-hack yourself, adjusting your posture is very important. The posture affects everything you do whether it is Nordic walking or HIIT. A master of an ancient Japanese martial art taught me how to adjust my posture.
