Cleaning Up My Study for the Spring Equinox

One thing you can do for your well-being is to clean up. It doesn’t seem related to your health, but when you think about it, living in a clean environment can benefit you in many ways. 

How to Drink Coffee During Your Intermittent Fasting

Like many people who practice the 16/8 method, I drink coffee in the morning to have something so that I feel as if I had breakfast. Coffee does really help us cope with our fast in the morning, but there are some drawbacks. So, how can you drink coffee in the morning without having drawbacks?

We Had a Meeting about an Organic Market

Yesterday, some of us from the Local Network Hino had a meeting about an organic market. There is a cafe in the central area of Hino town, and we might be able to use the parking lot of the cafe on Sunday mornings.

Hinamatsuri on March 3rd

We have a festival called Hinamatsuri on March 3rd in Japan, but we don’t do anything special in our house since it is more for girls.
