intermittent fasting

Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting

It has been three months since I began this intermittent fasting and I have kind of figured out the optimal way of doing it.

I decided to call it Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting.

Autophagy Activating Vegetable Fast

Now that I have completed the first three months of my intermittent fasting, I began a new phase. I started having only vegetables for lunch on Wednesday.

Combining a Hot Spring with my Intermittent Fasting Routine

Maybe I should go to a hot spring every weekend so that I can create a good balance sequence of stress and break. Alternating stress and break is a method recommended by Yu Suzuki, the author of Furo Choju Method, A Method of Immortality and Longevity, another best-selling book on the topic of longevity.

Three Ways to Activate Autophagy

Autophagy is now considered to be the key to our health and longevity.

So, how do we activate autophagy?

There are several ways but today I will share with you the three most common ways.
