Yoshuku and Ima Iwai at the New Moon in Taurus
It was a new moon in Taurus this morning and I made my wishes during Nordic walking. It is good to make your wishes on a new moon.
It was a new moon in Taurus this morning and I made my wishes during Nordic walking. It is good to make your wishes on a new moon.
I developed a custom that I call Ima Iwai out of Yoshuku. Ima means now, and Iwai means celebration. Ima Iwai means celebrating the present moment, appreciating here and now.
It is the full moon in Libra and Libra is one of the air signs, which pushes the Age of Air forward.
It was the spring equinox today, the first universal new year’s day in the Age of Air leading to the Age of Aquarius.
How to tune into the energy of the spring equinox to gain EI, Enlightened Intelligence so that you can participate in the Aquarian revolution in the Age of Air. That is what I am going to share with you today.
EI means Enlightened Intelligence. It doesn’t mean you are enlightened if you have EI. To be enlightened in the Buddhist sense is a lot more profound and I have no intention of making such a bold claim.
The spring equinox is coming soon and it is going to be a significant event this year. Usually, it is good to celebrate the spring equinox anyway, but this year you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
One thing you can do for your well-being is to clean up. It doesn’t seem related to your health, but when you think about it, living in a clean environment can benefit you in many ways.
Since it was Sunday today I had a break from regular intermittent fasting and exercises, and yet I ended up doing HIIT, High-Intensity Interval Training.
This 2021 new moon occurs at a six-planet stellium in Aquarius, which is similar to the new moon on February 4th 1962 when it occurred at a seven-planet stellium in Aquarius, and it was considered to be the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.