Uphill Cycling Can Train Your Thighs
I find Nordic walking to be low-intensity muscular exercise, jogging to be medium-intensity muscular exercise, and sprinting, uphill hiking, and uphill cycling to be high-intensity muscular exercise.
I find Nordic walking to be low-intensity muscular exercise, jogging to be medium-intensity muscular exercise, and sprinting, uphill hiking, and uphill cycling to be high-intensity muscular exercise.
You can optimize the health benefits of Jerusalem artichokes by growing them without fertilizers.
You can design your lifestyle fit for health and longevity by making it energy-demanding, the opposite of permaculture.
We are living organisms and are constantly in the flow of creativity.
With the quarter system in Hare and Ke Intermittent Fasting, you can try out different strategies in each quarter.
I did zone 2 jogging four times a week last week as it was Dr. Peter Attia’s protocol.
From sprints, squats, mountain climbers, standing meditation, and balance training to jumping. My lower body strength training.
My son and I went Satoyama cycling yesterday.
I uploaded a new video on stretching.