Bodyweight HIIT for Longevity
I uploaded a video on my bodyweight high-intensity interval strength training.
I uploaded a video on my bodyweight high-intensity interval strength training.
Yama Nobori, hiking up a mountain, is one of the most popular Shizenha biohacking activities in Japan.
What is the compound effect of exercise during fast on autophagy? Is it equivalent to how many hours of fasting?
Are marathons or other endurance sports good for longevity or are they damaging to us?
On October 1st, I climbed Mt. Watamuki, the local sacred mountain, to report the publication of Ikigai Bio-Hacking.
Which is better for longevity, walking or jogging? What about Nordic walking?
Connecting with nature at the autumn equinox.
Don’t use natto beans from a packaged natto as the source of Natto kin, Bacillus subtillis, to make Natto.
Technology seems to be promising our future health system, yet will it really benefit us?